Decorative or Speculative:

How I learned to stop worrying about conceptualism and just enjoy nice things.

There are only two ways to be a star in the Art World. Either mass-produce pleasant looking art and sell as much of it as you can to as many interior decorators as you can find; or tightly control the supply of your artwork creating a sense of scarcity and forcing the ultra-rich to fight for access and drive the prices to the moon. Ideas are dead. It's either decorative or it’s speculative and you don’t get to decide. That’s up to the market. Unfortunately, as economist John Maynard Keynes said, “the markets can remain irrational longer than you can keep coming up with new ideas for paintings”. I’ve always thought it was best to just never sell anything to anyone. That way I control the narrative. Everyone knows that there is no ethical consumption under capitalism, and I’m not going to let these corporate fatcats dilute my genius by putting a price on it. I may never be a star in the art world, but baby I’m an Art Star.